Monday, April 14, 2008

Bloomington's Suicide Bikers

I love most things about Bloomington...except driving. Most motorists here seem to be some combination of a) stupid, b) insane, c) lost, and d) drunk. But they have nothing on the bikers.

I walk to work most days. It takes about 30 minutes but is very calming. Today, however, I drove since I will need to leave for the airport after work. At one of of the 3rd Street stoplights, I changed lanes so that I could come to the front of the stop light. 3rd Street is more or less the southern boundary of IU's campus and is the main east-to-west corridor through town.

A gray-bearded guy on a bike was next to the curb in the same lane at the stop light. I suppose he deserves credit for actually obeying the traffic laws, unlike most bikers in town. When I pulled into this lane beside him, he immediately pulls forward, moves his bike directly in front of my car, and then backs up until he is nearly touching my front bumper. I suppose he was daring me to bump him, yell at him, or engage in some similar road rage. I didn't bite, of course. When the light changed to green, I waited for the car to my left to pass by, changed to that lane, went around the biker and changed back to my original lane. I used my turn signals, of course.

Now, did I violate the rules of sharing the road with bikers? To be honest, maybe. Did I violate the spirit of sharing the road? No. I didn't crowd this guy, he had plenty of room on the side of the road, and my car is a compact. He didn't insist on the center of the road while peddling, letting cars pass him on the left in the same line. Why insist on this at the stop light? We could have coexisting peacefully. Instead, I guess he wanted to make a point. He certainly taught me a lesson: he is a jerk.

I'm in favor of less cars in general, but the major roads in Bloomington are not bike friendly. Trying to bike these anytime but especially during morning and evening rush hours is just not a good plan. There are many alternative routes through neighborhoods where bikers don't need to risk life and limb and don't interrupt traffic flow.

To the zealot bikers of Bloomington: don't confuse "what is" with "what ought to be". Even if we are all courteous, most of the major roads are not really safe for bikers. If you have an accident, you risk major injury or death. The car or truck involved will maybe get a scratch. And if you are towing your child behind you on a busy street in a kiddie trailer...I don't know what to tell you.

Also, buy some reflectors and wear helmets, you knuckleheads.